Breaking the Cycle:

A Path to Reduce Mass Incarceration

We are a non-profit organization committed to exploring the causes of – and preventing – mass incarceration in the

United States.

Amicus Certus


The United States has the second-highest incarceration rate in the world, with over 2 million people behind bars.

This is a 500% increase in incarceration rates over the past 40 years. The impact of mass incarceration is far-reaching, affecting individuals, families, organizations, and society as a whole.

"The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons."

- Fyodor Dostoevsky

Amicus Certus is dedicated to considering the 'entire person,' not just addressing singular conditions or diagnoses that lead to incarceration.

The Root Causes

Incarceration stems from a complex web of systemic issues, including racial and ethnic disparities, lack of access to legal counsel, and social determinants of health.

Many who experience incarceration have been exposed to childhood abuse, trauma, familial substance use disorders, and intimate partner violence. These intersecting challenges can lead to substance abuse, mental health issues, homelessness, and criminal legal system involvement.

Health Impact

Individuals who are or were incarcerated often enter correctional facilities with extensive trauma histories. These lived experiences can include victimization across their lifespans. Childhood, adolescent, and adult victimization impact mental and physical health conditions as well as social determinants of health deficits.

Decades of research document trauma can have lifetime health consequences. It is important for individuals released from incarceration to have prompt medical attention and access to medications.

The Ripple Effect

The impact of mass incarceration extends beyond those incarcerated. It also affects their children, families, and the institutions they are a part of.

Moreover, the criminal legal system takes a toll on those who work within it, including judges, attorneys, law enforcement agents, court clerks, deputies, prison officials, and correctional officers.

A Holistic Approach

To truly reduce mass incarceration, we must address the pipeline to prison and understand the families who suffer from these social determinants of health challenges.

Amicus Certus takes a holistic approach by creating educational toolkits, documentaries, guides, and events. Our mission is to help people understand the intersectionality of those involved in the criminal legal system and break the cycles of trauma, abuse, and imprisonment.


We are creating a Documentary telling the stories of incarcerated individuals who qualify for early release through NY State's DVSJA - Domestic Violence Survivors Justice Act.







Friendship · Equity · Resilience ·







Friendship · Equity · Resilience ·